Piano Hymns starting with: A
Song title/Composer
MP3 & related Files
A Babe lies in the cradle - 4/F (German Carol (Corner))
A brighter dawn is breaking - 4/Ab (Nun Lasst Uns Gott)
MP3-ABrighterDawn-NunLasstUnsGott-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + ABrighterDawn-NunLasstUnsGott-SPiano-CAM.mid
A charge to keep I have - 4/G (Cambridge)
MP3-AChargeToKeep-Cambridge-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AChargeToKeep-Cambridge-SPiano-CAM.mid
A giving happiness Baby - 1/G
A great and mighty wonder - 4/F (Es ist ein `ros)
MP3-AGreatAndMighty-EsIstEinRos-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AGreatAndMighty-EsIstEinRos-SPiano-CAM.mid
A hundred thousand souls - 5/G
A little while, the Lord shall come - 4/G#m
A little while, the Lord shall come - 4/G#m
MP3-ALittleWhile-Unknown-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + ALittleWhile-Unknown-SPiano-CAM.mid
A man there lived in Galilee - 3/F (Tyrolese)
MP3-AManThereLived-Tyrolese-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AManThereLived-Tyrolese-SPiano-CAM.mid
A mighty fortress is our God - 4/C (Ein` Feste Burg)
MP3-AMightyFortress-FesteBurg-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AMightyFortress-FesteBurg-SPiano-CAM.mid
A mighty fortress is our God - 4/C (Ein` Feste Burg)
A new commandment I give unto you - 2/D-Eb
MP3-ANewCommandment-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + ANewCommandment-SPiano-CAM.mid
A sinner am I, O Lord - 3/Fm (Abertawe)
MP3-ASinnerAmIOLord-Abertawe-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + ASinnerAmIOLord-Abertawe-SPiano-CAM.mid
A sinner am I, O Lord - 3/Fm (Abertawe)
A sovereign protector I have - 2/Em (Trewen)
MP3-ASovereign-Trewen-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + ASovereign-Trewen-SPiano-CAM.mid
A story sweet and wondrous - 4/G
A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord - 4/D
MP3-AWonderfulSaviour-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AWonderfulSaviour-SPiano-CAM.mid
Abba, Father, we approach Thee - 4/C
Abide in Thee! in that deep love of Thine - 4/Eb
Abide in Thee! in that deep love of Thine - 4/Eb
MP3-AbideInThee-Sullivan-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AbideInThee-Sullivan-SPiano-CAM.mid
Abide with me - 5/Eb (Eventide)
MP3-AbideWithMe-Monk-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AbideWithMe-Monk-SPiano-CAM.mid
Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet - 4/G
Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet - 4/G
MP3-AbidingOhSoWondrously-Wright-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AbidingOhSoWondrously-Wright-SPiano-CAM.mid
According to Thy gracious Word - 5/Db (Bedford)
MP3-AccordingToThyGracious-Bedford-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AccordingToThyGracious-Bedford-SPiano-CAM.mid
Across the sky the shades of night - 6/G (Allein Gott in der Hoh)
MP3-AcrossTheSky-AlleinGottInDerHoh-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AcrossTheSky-AlleinGottInDerHoh-SPiano-CAM.mid
Advent tells us, Christ is near - 6/C (Keine Schonheit Had Die Welt)
Again the day returns - 4/Eb (Freeport)
Ah, dearest Lord! - 5/Dm
Ah, holy Jesus, How hast Thou offended - 5/Dm (Rouen (Iste Confessor))
MP3-AhHolyJesus-Rouen-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AhHolyJesus-Rouen-SPiano-CAM.mid
Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended - 5/Gm (Herzliebster Jesu)
MP3-AhHolyJesus-HerzliebsterJesus-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AhHolyJesus-HerzliebsterJesu-SPiano-CAM.mid
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed - 5/Eb (Hudson)
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed - 4/G (Martyrdom/Avon)
MP3-AlasAndDid-Avon-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AlasAndDid-Avon-SPiano-CAM.mid
All creatures of our God and King - 4/Eb (Lasst Uns Erfreuen)
MP3-AllCreatures-LasstErfreuen-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllCreatures-Erfreuen-SPiano-CAM.mid
All for Jesus - 4/Eb (Constancy)
MP3-AllForJesus-Constancy-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllForJesus-Constancy-SPiano-CAM.mid
All glory, laud and honor - 3/C (St. Theodulph)
MP3-AllGloryLaud-StTheodulph-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllGloryLaud-StTheodulph-SPiano-CAM.mid
All glory, laud and honor - 6/Bb (St. Theodulph)
MP3-AllGloryLaud-6v-StTheodulph-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllGloryLaud-StTheodulph-6v-SPiano-CAM.mid
All glory to God in the sky - 4/D (St. Cyprian)
MP3-AllGloryToGod-StCyprian-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllGloryToGod-StCyprian-SPiano-CAM.mid
All hail the power of Jesus' Name! - 4/F (Coronation)
MP3-AllHailThePower-Coronation-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllHailThePower-Coronation-SPiano-CAM.mid
All hail the power of Jesus' Name! - 4/Ab (Diadem)
MP3-AllHailThePower-Diadem-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllHailThePower-Diadem-SPiano-CAM.mid
All hail the power of Jesus' Name! - 4/Ab (Diadem)
All hail the power of Jesus' Name! - 4/Ab (Miles Lane)
MP3-AllHail-MilesLane-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllHailThePower-MilesLane-SPiano-CAM.mid
All hail, ye little Martyr flowers - 4/F (Sarratt)
All in an Easter garden - 2/Ab
MP3-AllInAnEaster-Traditional-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllInAnEaster-Traditional-SPiano-CAM.mid
All labor gained new dignity - 4/Dm (Labor)
All my doubts I give to Jesus - 4/E (Tremont)
MP3-AllMyDoubts-Tremont-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllMyDoubts-Tremont-SPiano-CAM.mid
All my heart this night rejoices - 7/F (Warum Sollt Ich Mich Denn Gramen)
MP3-AllMyHeart-WarumSolltIch-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllMyHeart-WarumSolltIch-SPiano-CAM.mid
All my hope on God is founded - 4/Bm (Meine Hoffnung)
MP3-AllMyHope-Meine-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllMyHope-Meine-SPiano-CAM.mid
All my hope on God is founded - 4/F (Michael)
CPR-AllMyHope-Michael-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + CPR-AllMyHope-Michael-SPiano-CAM.mid
All my life I had a longing - 4/D
MP3-AllMyLife-Satisfied-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllMyLife-Satisfied-SPiano-CAM.mid
All people that on earth do dwell - 4/G (Old 100th)
MP3-AllPeopleThatOnEarth-Old100-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllPeopleThatOnEarth-Old100-SPiano-CAM.mid
All praise to our redeeming Lord - 6/Bb (Lucius)
MP3-AllPraiseToOur-Lucius-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllPraiseToOur-Lucius-SPiano-CAM.mid
All praise to Thee, for Thou, O King divine - 5/F (Engelberg)
MP3-AllPraiseToThee-Engelberg-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllPraiseToThee-Engelberg-SPiano-CAM.mid
All the way my Savior leads me - 3/G (All the Way)
MP3-AllTheWayMySaviour-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AlltheWayMySaviourLeads-SPiano-CAM.mid
All things bright and beautiful - 5/D (Monk)
MP3-AllThingsBright-Monk-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllThingsBright-Monk-SPiano-CAM.mid
All things bright and beautiful - 4/G (Royal Oak)
All things bright and beautiful - 4/G (Royal Oak)
MP3-AllThingsBright-RoyalOak-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllThingsBright-RoyalOak-SPiano-CAM.mid
All things praise Thee, Lord most high - 4/G (Te Laudant Omnia)
MP3-AllThingsPraise-LaudantOmnia-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllThingsPraise-LaudantOmnia-SPiano-CAM.mid
All to Jesus I surrender - 5/D (Surrender)
MP3-AllToJesus-Weedon-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllToJesus-Weedon-SPiano-CAM.mid
All who worship God in Jesus - 3/C (Vision (Davies))
MP3-AllWhoWorship-Vision-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllWhoWorship-Vision-SPiano-CAM.mid
All ye that pass by - 4/Bb (Wareham)
MP3-AllYeThatPassBy-Wareham-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AllYeThatPassBy-Wareham-SPiano-CAM.mid
Alleluia, alleluia! - 1/G (Halelwia)
Alleluia, alleluia! - 2/G (Halelwia)
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia - 4/Ab
MP3-AlleluiaAlleluia-Unknown-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AlleluiaAlleluia-Unknown-SPiano-CAM.mid
Alleluia, alleluia! Hearts to Heaven - 4/C (Lux Eoi)
MP3-AlleluiaHearts-LuxEoi-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AlleluiaHearts-LuxEoi-SPiano-CAM.mid
Alleluia, praise your Lord - 3/G
Alleluia, praise your Lord - 3/C
Almighty Father Hear Our Prayer - 1/G
Almighty Father Hear Our Prayer - 2/G
Almighty Father, who dost give - 4/C (Vermont)
MP3-AlmightyFatherWho-Vermont-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AlmightyFatherWho-Vermont-SPiano-CAM.mid
Almighty Father, who for us thy Son didst give - 4/G (Netherlands (Wilhelmus))
MP3-AlmightyFather-Netherlands-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AlmightyFather-Netherlands-SPiano-CAM.mid
Almost Persuaded - 3/G
MP3-AlmostPersuaded-Bliss-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AlmostPersuaded-Bliss-SPiano-CAM.mid
Alone now going forth, O Lord - 4/Cm (Bangor)
Alone now going forth, O Lord - 4/Dm (St. Mary)
MP3-AloneNowGoing-StMary-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AloneNowGoingForth-StMary-SPiano-CAM.mid
Am I a soldier of the cross - 4/G (Arlington)
MP3-AmIASoldier-Arlington-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AmIASoldier-Arlington-SPiano-CAM.mid
Am I a soldier of the cross? - 4/D
Am I a soldier of the cross? - 4/D
MP3-AmIASoldier-Sankey-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AmIASoldier-Sankey-SPiano-CAM.mid
Amazing Grace - 4/G (Amazing Grace)
MP3-AmazingGrace-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AmazingGraceHowSweetTheSound.mid
Amens (Various Versions) - 1/F
Amens (Various Versions) - 1/G
Amens (Various Versions) - 1/A
Amens (Various Versions) - 1/D
Amens (Various Versions) - 1/Eb
Amens (Various Versions) - 1/C
Amens (Various Versions) - 1/C
America, the beautiful - 4/Bb (Materna)
MP3-AmericaTheBeautiful-Materna-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AmericaTheBeautiful-Materna-SPiano-CAM.mid
Among us our beloved stands - 3/F (Angel`s Song)
MP3-AmongUsOurBeloved-AngelsSong-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AmongUsOurBeloved-AngelsSong-SPiano-CAM.mid
An image of that heavenly light - 3/Dm (Nostre Dieu)
An image of that heavenly light - 3/Dm (Nostre Dieu)
MP3-AnImageOfThat-NostreDieu-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AnImageOfThat-NostreDieu-SPiano-CAM.mid
Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in glory - 5/5 (Albany)
MP3-AncientOfDays-Albany-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AncientOfDays-Albany-SPiano-CAM.mid
Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in glory - 5/D (Coburn)
And are we yet alive - 6/Bb (Falcon Street)
MP3-AndAreWeYetAlive-FalconSt-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AndAreWeYetAlive-FalconSt-SPiano-CAM.mid
And can it be that I should gain - 5/G (Sagina)
MP3-AndCanItBe-5v-G-Piano-128-CAM.mp3 + AndCanItBe-5v-F-Piano-CAM.mid
And can it be that I should gain - 5/G (Sagina)
MP3-AndCanItBe-Sagina-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AndCanItBe-Sagina-SPiano-CAM.mid
And didst Thou love the race that loved not Thee? - 4/G (Artavia)
MP3-AndDidstThouLove-Artavia-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AndDidstThouLove-Artavia-SPiano-CAM.mid
And have the bright immensities received - 2/Fm (Halifax)
MP3-AndHaveTheBright-Halifax-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AndHaveTheBright-Halifax-SPiano-CAM.mid
And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning - 4/Ab (Zu Meinem Herrn)
And now, beloved Lord, thy soul resigning - 4/Ab (Zu Meinem Herrn)
MP3-AndNowBelovedLord-ZuMeinem-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AndNowBelovedLord-ZuMeinem-SPiano-CAM.mid
And now, O Father, mindful of the love - 4/D (Unde Et Memores)
MP3-AndNowOFather-Memores-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AndNowOFather-Memores-SPiano-CAM.mid
Angel voices ever singing - 5/C (Angel Voices)
MP3-AngelVoicesEver-Monk-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AngelVoicesEver-Monk-SPiano-CAM.mid
Angels and ministers, spirits of grace - 5/Eb (Slane)
MP3-AngelsAndMinisters-Slane-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AngelsAndMinisters-Slane-SPiano-CAM.mid
Angels from the realms of glory - 3/Bb (Regent Square)
Angels from the realms of glory - 4/Bb (Regent Square)
MP3-AngelsFromTheRealms-RegentSq-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AngelsFromTheRealms-RegentSq-SPiano-CAM.mid
Angels holy, high and lowly - 6/G (Lytham St. Annes)
Angels holy, high and lowly - 6/Eb (Seraphim)
Angels we have heard on high - 3/F (Gloria (Iris))
Angels we have heard on high - 4/F (Gloria (Iris))
MP3-AngelsWeHaveHeard-Gloria-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AngelsWeHaveHeard-Gloria-SPiano-CAM.mid
Angels we have heard on high - 3/F (Gloria (Iris))
MP3-AngelsWeHaveHeard-French-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AngelsWeHaveHeard-French-SPiano-CAM.mid
Another year completed - 4/Eb (Bremen)
Another year completed - 4/Eb (Bremen)
MP3-AnotherYearCompleted-Bremen-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AnotherYearCompleted-Bremen-SPiano-CAM.mid
Another year is dawning - 5/Ab (Cherry Tree Carol)
MP3-AnotherYearIsDawning-CherryTree-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AnotherYearIsDawning-CherryTree-SPiano-CAM.mid
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go - 3/D
MP3-AnywhereWithJesus-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AnywhereWithJesus-SPiano-CAM.mid
Are you looking for the fullness - 3/D
Are you looking for the fullness - 3/D
CPR-AreYouLookingFor-Morris-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + CPR-AreYouLookingFor-Morris-SPiano-CAM.mid
Are you weary, are you heavy hearted - 4/G
MP3-AreYouWeary-Dayton-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AreYouWeary-Dayton-SPiano-CAM.mid
Arise, arise my soul - 5/C
Arise, O God, and shine - 4/G (Rhosymedre)
MP3-AriseOGodAndShine-Rhosymedre-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AriseOGodAndShine-Rhosymedre-SPiano-CAM.mid
Around the throne of God a band - 4/F (Abends)
MP3-AroundTheThrone-Abends-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AroundTheThrone-Abends-SPiano-CAM.mid
Art thou sunk in depths - 3/C
Art thou weary, heavy laden - 4/G (Stephanos)
MP3-ArtThouWeary-Stephanos-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + ArtThouWeary-Stephanos-SPiano-CAM.mid
As Jacob with travel was weary one day - 4/F (Jacob`s Ladder)
MP3-AsJacobWithTravel-JacobsLadder-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AsJacobWithTravel-JacobsLadder-SPiano-CAM.mid
As pants the hart - 5/F
As Sure As Jesus Lives - 5/G
As the disciples, when Thy Son had left them - 6/G (Diva Servatrix)
MP3-AsTheDisciples-DivaServatrix-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AsTheDisciples-DivaServatrix-SPiano-CAM.mid
As the eyes of the servants - 2/Eb
As we gather at Your table - 3/F (Beach Spring)
MP3-AsWeGather-BeachSpring-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AsWeGather-BeachSpring-SPiano-CAM.mid
As with gladness, men of old - 4/G (Dix)
As with gladness, men of old - 4/G (Dix)
MP3-AsWithGladness-Dix-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AsWithGladness-Dix-SPiano-CAM.mid
Ask in faith - 4/C
At even, when the sun was set - 6/Eb (Angelus)
MP3-AtEvenWhen-Angelus-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtEvenWhen-Angelus-SPiano-CAM.mid
At the Cross her station keeping - 5/Eb (Christi Mutter Stund Vor Schmerzen)
At the Cross her station keeping - 5/Eb (Christi Mutter Stund Vor Schmerzen)
MP3-AtTheCrossHer-ChristiMutterStund-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtTheCrossHer-ChristiMutterStund-SPiano-CAM.mid
At the cross her station keeping - (Mainz)
MP3-AtTheCrossHerStation-Mainz-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtTheCrossHerStation-Mainz-SPiano-CAM.mid
At the cross You've suffered - 4/G (If you believe)
MP3-AtTheCrossYouve-IfYouBelieve-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtTheCrossYouve-IfYouBelieve-SPiano-CAM.mid
At the Feet of Jesus - 3/Bb
At the Lamb's high feast we sing - 4/D (Salzburg-Hintze)
MP3-AtTheLambsHigh-Salzburg-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtTheLambsHigh-Salzburg-SPiano-CAM.mid
At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow - 6/D (Evelyns)
MP3-AtTheName-Evelyns-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtTheName-Evelyns-SPiano-CAM.mid
At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow - 3/Dm (King`s Weston)
MP3-AtTheName-KingsWeston-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtTheName-KingsWeston-SPiano-CAM.mid
At Thy feet, O Christ, we lay - 5/C (Barmouth)
MP3-AtThyFeet-Barmouth-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtThyFeeyOChrist-Barmouth.pdf + AtThyFeet-Barmouth-SPiano-CAM.mid
At Your feet, our God and Father - 6/G (Laus Deo)
MP3-AtYourFeet-LausDeo-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AtYouFeet-LausDeo-SPiano-CAM.mid
Author of faith, eternal Word - 5/C (Mainzer)
MP3-AuthorOfFaith-Mainzer-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AuthorOfFaith-Mainzer-SPiano-CAM.mid
Author of life divine - 2/D (Gweedore)
MP3-AuthorOfLifeDivine-Gweedore-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AuthorOfLifeDivine-Gweedore-SPiano-CAM.mid
Author of life divine - 2/Eb (Raleigh)
MP3-AuthorOfLifeDivine-Raleigh-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AuthorOfLifeDivine-Raleigh-SPiano-CAM.mid
Awake, awake to love and work - 3/F (Sheltered Dale)
MP3-AwakeAwakeToLove-ShelteredDale-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwakeAwakeToLove-ShelteredDale-SPiano-CAM.mid
Awake, my heart, and render - 4/Ab (Selnecker)
MP3-AwakeMyHeart-Selnecker-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwakeMyHeart-Selnecker-SPiano-CAM.mid
Awake, my soul, and with the sun - 6/G (Morning Hymn)
Awake, my soul, and with the sun - 5/G (Morning Hymn)
MP3-AwakeMySoul-MorningHymn-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwakeMySoul-MorningHymn-SPiano-CAM.mid
Awake, O Lord, as in the time of old! - 4/Ab (Chilton Foliat)
MP3-AwakeOLordAs-ChiltonFoliat-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwakeOLordAs-ChiltonFoliat-SPiano-CAM.mid
Awake, thou Spirit of the watchmen - 4/Bb (Crasselius)
MP3-AwakeThouSpirit-Crasselius-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwakeThouSpirit-Crasselius-SPiano-CAM.mid
Away in a manger - 3/F (Cradle Song)
MP3-AwayInAManger-CradleSong-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwayInAManger-CradleSong-SPiano-CAM.mid
Away in a manger - 3/F (Mueller)
Away in a manger - 3/F (Mueller)
MP3-AwayInAManger-Mueller-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwayInAManger-Mueller-SPiano-CAM.mid
Away, my needless fears - 6/Eb (Clifton)
MP3-AwayMyNeedlessFears-Clifton-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwayMyNeedlessFears-Clifton-SPiano-CAM.mid
Away with doubt - 2/F
Away with gloom, away with fears! - 3/D (Blairgowrie)
MP3-AwayWithGloom-Blairgowrie-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwayWithGloom-Blairgowrie-SPiano-CAM.mid
Away with our fears, our troubles and tears - 5/Eb (Ardwick)
MP3-AwayWithOurFears-Ardwick-SPiano-128-CAM.mp3 + AwayWithOurFears-Ardwick-SPiano-CAM.mid

Approx. Number of Hymns/Songs: 155
